Driving Business Agility with Insight-Ready Data for Cross/Up Selling

As a leading British multinational telecommunications company, the client was constantly looking for ways to deliver cutting-edge products and services to meet growing customer expectations. With our consulting, design and engineering capabilities, we integrated Pega solution to onboard all data related to customers, analyze business data, and provide actionable customer insights that can be used by client’s agents to service the customers in a seamless manner and create opportunities for cross and up selling.

  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  • Platform Integration & Optimization

Business Issue

The client lacked a single source of truth for client agents to seek information on the customer base. They has no mechanism to predict the next best action for the agents to service the customer or to leverage analytical insights that can power enhanced experiences and decisions.


Bounteous x Accolite implemented Pega platform on the existing tech landscape of the client by delivering an improved mechanism to consolidate customer data from various input systems. The aim was to empower client’s agents to be more independent while servicing the customer base with a customer insights dashboard displaying customer’s basic details. Additioanlly they needed to provide insights to agents on customer’s usage (broadband, fixed line). Role-based access control powered a restrictive view based on agent’s authorization.

Integration with Pega provides recommendations to agents for products that the customer might want to buy based on assets that the customer holds and past customer feedback. We also implemented Natural Language Processor (NLP) to analyze business’s data to provide “Next Best Action.”


Implementation of the Pega solution powered deeper analytics by consolidating reliable and accurate data of customer master profiles, interactions and transactions, as well as third-party, public and social media sources.

Agents were able to proactively provide recommendations based on customer’s portfolio and proceed with order journeys.
Integration with Pega provided agents with relevant recommendations which customers might need.