Smarter Ad Serving with Google Campaign Manager


Event Details

This event occurred on Wed, May 8, 2019

Bounteous and Google hosted a webinar that toured Google Marketing Platform's Campaign Manager and its robust feature set. This webinar explored the benefits of Campaign Manager, a powerful ad server that enables full control of your ad-serving experience.

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Attendees learned about:

  • Workflow Efficiencies: Streamlining trafficking workflows for faster campaign launches with Trafficking.
  • Rich Data Collection: Reliable conversion tracking for any micro (e.g. registrations) or macro (e.g. transactions) conversions.
  • Intelligent Ad Serving: Campaign Manager is an ad serving platform that reliably traffics and tracks ads while providing advanced ad-serving options.
  • Powerful Integrations: Direct connections to tools like Tag Manager 360 reduce headaches and make tag deployment a breeze.

