Adobe Summit Webinar Series: Creating Engaging B2B and B2B2C Commerce Experiences


Event Details

This event occurred on Thu, Mar 11, 2021

This event was part of the Bounteous' WTF (What's That For) webinar series in preparation for Adobe Summit. View more details on the entire program by visiting our Adobe Summit Experience.

If you missed the first webinar in the Bounteous' WTF (What's That For) event series, check out the recording below and reach out to our team of experts with any questions.

Please note the below recording is a playlist where you can access all six recordings from our WTF webinar series!

Watch Replay

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This webinar focused on Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Business-to-Consumer (B2B2C) commerce experiences. Our team of experts discusses where commerce falls in an organization's digital strategy and how Adobe's Magento Commerce is one platform serving success for our team and clients.

Discussion centered on:

  • Building a commerce strategy that takes control of the customer's shopping experience while expanding your business reach.
  • A commerce ecosystem and integrations with other solutions.
  • The benefits and challenges of B2B and B2B2C commerce.
  • How Bounteous is serving commerce customers to create engaging online experiences through the Adobe Experience Cloud solutions.



Joy Xu
Principal Architect
John Telford
EVP, Growth
Raghu Kakarala