DrupalCon North America 2021 - Recruit, Retain, and Grow: How to Build a Great Drupal Team
Event Details
This event occurred on Mon, Apr 12, 2021
In order to create a great Drupal experience, you need to first create a great Drupal team. Before diving right in, it's important to take a step back to define your needs and evaluate your options. Should you work with a partner or do it all in-house? Where do you find exceptional Drupal talent? What roles and functions does your team need to have—and will those needs change over time?
This can be a complex process with a lot on the line. Seasoned Drupal team leader, Scott Weston, explored all of the decisions that go into building a Drupal team. Attendees learned why you would want or need to build a Drupal team and how to actually go about building one, including which roles are needed, where to look for talent, and what challenges you may face and how you can overcome them.
For additional insight into building a great Drupal team check out, How to Build a Great Drupal Team.