TYPO3 San Francisco Conference By The Numbers


June 21, 2011 | Bounteous

It’s been a week since we said goodbye to all our visiting TYPO3 friends, but I for one am still energized from the camaraderie, enthusiasm, and sheer brain trust of the growing TYPO3 community.

It felt a little like summer camp, i.e., bonding instantly with strangers, spending a solid 36 hours together, then exchanging contact information, and counting down the days until next year’s conference in Quebec.

ID played host to the conference this year, and it was a real success on a lot of levels. A few of my highlights:

  • Jochen Weiland’s  “Pushing your site to the Top 10: SEO with TYPO3” Jesper Scheuer Nielsen’s (MOC Systems) “Scrum from the TYPO3 Trenches.”
  • The picturesque Fort Mason Center, set against the Golden Gate bridge and some unusually sunny SF weather
  • The generosity of all the volunteers who helped keep the conference running smoothly (I can’t thank you enough!)
  • Karaoke at the Cathay House
  • Unlimited tacos at ID?s after-party
  • After months of preparation, emails, and phone calls, finally meeting so many extraordinary individuals from the TYPO3 community

Here are some stats on the conference:

  • Number of talks and sessions: 36
  • Number of countries represented: 12 (Austria, Columbia, Canada, Denmark, India, France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States)
  • Number of states represented: 15 (California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin)
  • Liters of coffee consumed: 91
  • Liters of beer consumed at the ID office during the conference week: 82