Marketplaces for B2B Manufacturers as Fast Lane to D2C Without Compromising Resellers Whitepaper

December 3, 2021 | Bounteous
Marketplaces for B2B Manufacturers as Fast Lane to D2C Without Compromising Resellers Whitepaper image

Bounteous teamed up with Spryker to create a guide on Marketplaces for B2B Manufacturers as a Fast Lane to D2C Without Compromising Resellers. This guide covers how manufacturers can go Direct-to-Consumer while supporting their dealer network by taking a B2B marketplace approach. It includes the following (and more):

  • The relevance and potential of B2B marketplaces
  • Concrete use cases – how different types of manufacturers benefit from marketplace technology
  • Value propositions for B2B manufacturers, resellers, and the end customer
  • Explanation of marketplace features that benefit B2B manufacturers

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