Einstein AI + Marketing Cloud Empower Marketers to Boost Customer Experiences

August 22, 2024 | Courtney Hofbauer

Marketers create the connections and touchpoints that build strong customer relationships. Through marketing tools and data gathering, marketers can create tailored journeys, personalization, and touchpoints that resonate and build strong customer relationships.

Artificial intelligence is making this even easier. Fifty-nine percent of marketers see improved conversion rates with AI-driven personalization, and Salesforce reports that 76% of consumers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations. Engaging marketing content that resonates with customers can significantly improve their relationship with the brand. Leveraging advanced tools like Einstein AI, and MC Personalization in Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) empowers marketers to connect with customers by analyzing data to optimize campaigns and build engagement over time. 

Einstein Enhances Personalization and Customer Experience

Einstein gives marketers a tool to deliver highly personalized experiences at scale. Analyzing vast amounts of data helps create tailored content and offers that resonate with individual customers. This level of personalization not only improves customer satisfaction but also drives higher engagement and conversion rates. Ninety-eight percent of marketers agree that personalization improves customer relationships.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) takes this further by integrating Einstein AI's capabilities into its platform, enabling even more precise and impactful personalization. SFMC's robust suite of tools allows for segmenting audiences, automating campaigns, and tracking performance with unparalleled accuracy.

Example: A tech company using SFMC with Einstein can analyze a customer's past purchase behavior, browsing history, and interaction data to recommend products or services that are most relevant to them. If a customer frequently purchases software solutions, Einstein can suggest complementary products like training courses or premium support packages.

Marketing Cloud can automate follow-up emails and personalized offers based on the customer's engagement with these recommendations, ensuring that every touchpoint is meaningful and adds value to the customer journey.

By leveraging the combined power of SFMC + Einstein, businesses can create a seamless and personalized customer experience that exceeds customer expectations. 

Optimizing Campaign Performance

Einstein empowers marketers with deeper insights into campaign performance. Journey Optimization offers the ability to create, test, and refine personalized campaign variations using predictive analytics. Marketing messages are automated and tailored based on various journey touchpoints, including channel, content, timing, and send frequency. Eighty-eight percent of marketers have used marketing analytics to grow their customer engagement.

Additionally, Einstein detects and alerts teams to campaign anomalies, such as drops in engagement rates. This means marketers no longer have to wait to understand their campaign's status; they can access real-time data to make immediate updates and adjustments based on actionable insights.

Providing actionable recommendations, Marketing AI ensures every campaign aligns seamlessly with business objectives, ultimately delivering maximum ROI. The speed and quality of cross-channel analytics start with effective data management. Gone are the days of relying on cumbersome Excel sheets, broken formulas, and tedious data maintenance. With SFMC automation, data management, unification, and KPI standardization are in one comprehensive tool.

AI-powered connectors provide data updates and metric standardization. Einstein is trained to optimize your campaign creative, offers, and audiences based on KPIs. Interactive visualizations and plain language explanations help you see where you can cut overspending and where you can double down on success, all while your campaigns are still in flight. One leading e-commerce company saw a 40% increase in email engagement and a 15% conversion rate by using Einstein Send Time Optimization and Einstein Content Selections.

Predictive analytics share actionable recommendations for more effective spend allocation based on responsive customer segments across platforms. This enables you to optimize spend pacing with connected media buy and delivery data, along with real-time alerts to catch overages and underspent budgets in real-time. Einstein has helped marketers increase budget efficiency by 18% and up to 25% in increased sales revenue. Harnessing the power of AI-driven analytics, you ensure your strategies are efficient and drive better results to maximize ROI.

Example: A mid-sized SaaS company can use Einstein to forecast the potential success of a new product launch campaign. Analyzing historical data and market trends, AI can predict which marketing channels and messages will be most effective. This allows the marketing team to allocate their budget more efficiently and make data-driven adjustments to maximize impact.

Streamlining Data Management with Artificial Intelligence

Data management is a significant challenge for many marketing leaders, requiring substantial time and resources. Einstein addresses this challenge by automating the processes of data collection and analysis. This automation allows marketers to shift their focus from the tedious aspects of data handling to more strategic decision-making activities.

Einstein machine learning algorithms predict trends and customer behaviors, providing foresight and allowing for data-driven decisions. These predictive insights can significantly enhance overall marketing performance by enabling more targeted and effective campaigns. Companies using SFMC and Einstein have seen a 60% increase in email and web conversion rates, along with a 35% increase in average order size.

Example: Consider a large e-commerce company that deals with vast amounts of customer feedback from various channels, such as social media, email, and online reviews. Manually analyzing this data to extract meaningful insights would be an overwhelming task. With Einstein, the company can automate this analysis process.

Einstein will sift through the feedback, identifying common themes and sentiments. For instance, it might detect recurring complaints about a specific product feature or highlight positive feedback about a new service. These insights are then presented to the marketing team in a clear and actionable format.

Armed with this information the marketing team can make informed decisions to enhance product offerings and customer service. They might decide to address the common complaints by improving the problematic product feature or capitalize on positive feedback by promoting the well-received service more aggressively.

Einstein not only streamlines data management, it also gives marketing teams the insights needed to drive continuous improvement and achieve better results. This transforms how marketers approach their strategies, making them more efficient and effective.

Practical Use Cases for Marketing AI with Einstein

There are many ways using Einstein can improve your marketing effectiveness in SFMC. From using predictive scoring to helping create content that addresses customer needs and market trends, combining the power of SFMC and AI is a transformative asset for the marketing team and your bottom line. Below are some examples of practical use cases that demonstrate the capabilities of the SFMC platform.

  • Predictive scoring: Einstein can predict leads most likely to convert, allowing marketers to prioritize their efforts and resources effectively.

    Example: A B2B software company can use predictive scoring to identify high-potential leads from a large pool of prospects. By focusing on high-priority leads, the sales team can increase conversion rates and close deals more quickly.
  • Automated email marketing: By analyzing customer behavior, Einstein can automate email campaigns that are timely and relevant, increasing open and click-through rates.

    Example: An online retailer can use Einstein to send personalized email recommendations based on a customer's browsing history and past purchases. If a customer frequently buys fitness gear, emails can be automatically sent featuring new arrivals or special promotions in that category.
  • Social media insights: Einstein can analyze social media interactions to provide insights into customer sentiment and preferences, helping marketers craft more effective social media strategies.

    Example: A global consumer electronics brand can use AI to monitor social media conversations about their products. This identifies topic trends and customer pain points, enabling the marketing team to address issues promptly and engage with their audience.
  • Content recommendations: Einstein suggests content likely to engage specific customer segments, ensuring that marketing messages are always relevant and impactful.

    Example: A financial services company can recommend educational content, such as blog posts or webinars, to customers based on their interests and previous interactions. If a customer frequently reads articles about retirement planning, the AI can suggest related content to keep them engaged and informed.
  • Customer journey mapping: Einstein can map the entire customer journey, identifying key touchpoints and opportunities for engagement. Allowing marketers to create strategies that guide customers seamlessly from awareness to conversion.

    Example: A travel agency can use Einstein to map customer journeys from initial trip research to booking and post-trip follow-up. By understanding the key touchpoints, the agency can create targeted marketing campaigns that address customer needs at each step in their journey.
  • Churn prediction: Einstein can predict which customers are at risk of churning based on customer behavior and engagement patterns. Marketers can take proactive measures, such as targeted retention campaigns, to keep valuable customers engaged and loyal.

    Example: A subscription-based streaming service can use AI to identify customers at risk of canceling their subscriptions. Analyzing factors such as viewing habits and engagement levels to predict churn risk, so personalized incentives or content recommendations can be sent out to retain these customers.

Adapting to Technological Changes

Marketing is constantly evolving, driven by rapid advancements in technology. Staying updated with the latest trends and tools can be challenging. Einstein and SFMC support marketers by adapting to these changes by providing tools that are not only advanced but also user-friendly so teams can quickly integrate new technologies into existing workflows without significant disruptions.

Einstein AI provides a range of features for marketing teams to benefit from the power of artificial intelligence without needing extensive technical expertise. These tools are designed to be intuitive, allowing for quick integration into existing workflows without requiring in-depth knowledge of data science or other highly technical competencies.

With its user-friendly interface, Einstein allows those with limited technical skills to take full advantage of its capabilities. This democratizes access to advanced technology, enabling all team members to contribute to the organization's success. As a result, marketing teams can stay agile, and responsive, by continuously improving performance to stay ahead of the competition.

For marketing decision-makers, integrating Einstein AI with Salesforce Marketing Cloud offers a powerful way to enhance personalization, optimize campaign performance, streamline data management, and stay ahead of technological changes. According to Forrester, organizations leveraging SFMC saw a 299% ROI over three years. With the SFMC platform powered by Einstein, marketers can achieve their strategic objectives and drive significant business growth. The ability to deliver personalized experiences, make data-driven decisions, and adapt to an evolving market landscape ensures that marketing leaders meet their goals. Einstein delivers over 80 billion AI-powered predictions every day, enhancing productivity and efficiency across various business functions​. Embracing artificial intelligence and smart marketing platforms is setting a new standard for marketing excellence.