Extend Edge Delivery Services with Our Powerful Search Utility

September 3, 2024

Welcome to the future of Edge Delivery Services (EDS)! At Bounteous x Accolite, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible with Adobe. Our latest innovation, the EDS Search Utility, is designed to enhance your Edge Delivery Services capabilities, providing greater functionality and efficiency.

Why This Matters

In the fast-paced world of IT, speed and efficiency are paramount. Our new utility addresses common challenges faced by IT practitioners, enabling them to get more out of Edge Delivery Services. This tool is a game changer for anyone looking to optimize Edge Delivery Services-built pages and streamline workflows.

Key Features

Comprehensive search: Search for terms across all fields or specified fields with or without case sensitivity.
Sorting and filtering: Sort results by specified fields in ascending or descending order and filter the fields returned.
Efficient data handling: Specify limits and offsets for result sets, applied after searching and sorting.
High performance: Built in Rust for maximum performance, supporting more than 100,000 requests per second in local testing, and around 2,000 requests per second with real-world networking overhead.

Use Cases

Targeted data retrieval: Quickly find specific rows or columns in large spreadsheets.
Dynamic pagination: Easily paginate data with dynamic sorting.
Basic site search: Implement basic site search functionalities against the helix-query page index endpoint.
Efficient lookups: Retrieve rows via a unique identifier for further processing.

How It Works

Our utility proxies requests to the Edge Delivery Services spreadsheet API, adding powerful new capabilities while maintaining high speeds. It uses a two-stage caching setup to ensure rapid response times, even under heavy load, without sacrificing responsiveness to changes and updates.

See a demo of how it works below:

Access the EDS Search Utility