A Forrester Consulting Thought Leadership Paper Commissioned By Bounteous

Failure to Transform Digitally Means Failure to Compete

What happens when advanced companies leverage Co-Innovation to foster digital innovation? 42% of advanced companies experienced double-digit growth this past year compared to only 22% of beginner companies.

A new study finds that digitally advanced companies experience higher growth when they achieve high velocity experiences. Moving at the speed of the customer requires continuously turning the right insights into the right actions.


What’s the secret? Advanced companies are investing in key strategic partnerships to develop four pillars that drive innovation: Data, Tech, Talent, and Methods. 


Digitally Advanced Firms Are Outpacing Competitors In The Following Ways:

  • 76% percent of advanced companies report they work in blended teams that include their employees and their partners, where everybody collaborates on projects
  • 62% percent of advanced companies used outcomes or performance as part of their pricing models.